Friday, September 27, 2013

What is "Dance Ministry"?

Real dance "ministry" occurs when the presence of God overflows out of true worshiping dancers (John 4:23-24) who love the Lord God with all their hearts and have surrendered everything to Him.  Dancers who are filled with the Holy Spirit and God's Word, are then able to minister to others out of the overflow of their hearts.  We must first receive from God, and then can be used to minister to others.  You cannot give out what you have not received yourself, and this is a daily receiving through our growth process in Christ, not just a one time event.  It is not ministry if it is not having a spiritual or an eternal impact on those whose lives are connected to it or are influenced by it.  There is a difference between a "dance performance" and a "dance ministry presentation".  I like to use the term "presentation" because we are first presenting our praise and worship to the Lord, and then as well "presenting" it to others.  Through a dance ministry piece, we are also "representing" Christ, as the presence of His Holy Spirit flows through vessels who are fully surrendered to Him.

(Mark 12:30; John 8:31: Ephesians 5:18; James 1:22)

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