Monday, April 9, 2012

What about Your Dance? For His Glory or "In the Gutter"? {Are you a light to the world, or do you look just like the world?}*

 All who claim God as their Maker, you were created for His glory,
for it is God who created you.
(Isaiah 43:7 paraphrased)

In today's society, there seems to be a disconnect, especially with dancers and choreographers who claim God as their Father and Savior and Lord, who choose to be connected with artistic endeavors that are more reflective of the attitudes and values of our culture rather than reflecting the light of Christ (based on the music lyrics, movements, and attire).  Some might argue, it's "only a dance" just for entertainment, or just for fun.  There are plenty of wholesome, fun, and entertaining choices available that would not alienate non-believers nor would offend believers or cause believers to question where the dancer (or choreographer) is spiritually(?); these choices are not the issue.  However, a good question for us to consider might be this:  Is Jesus really pleased with my participation in this particular piece?  What would He say about the lyrics in the music?  What would He say about the attire and the movements?  If Jesus were physically present in the audience would He applaud and say, "well done" and  or would He be silent?  (Of course, Jesus' presence is with us always by His Spirit.)  Would He be pleased with all the time, talent, and resources we have poured into our performance - even if it is just for fun?

For some strange reason, a lot of dancers seem to totally disconnect their gift of dance from anything to do with their walk with Christ.  Even if you have never considered or thought about using dance as a part of worship or in an evangelical manner (and do not have a sense of a specific calling in this area), or are not involved with dance where the intentional purpose is to bring honor and glory to God, but is rather only meant for entertainment or just for fun, shouldn't there at least be some boundaries you will not cross or certain compromises you will not make because you belong to Christ and are representing Christ in everything you do?   Yes, in Christ, we have freedom and liberty, and certainly, this is not a salvation issue, as we know it is by grace we are saved (and His grace and love covers a multitude of  sins); but even the Apostle Paul stated we should not use our freedom to cause someone else to stumble.

Some other questions to ponder to hopefully challenge and inspire you to come up higher in this area, and to be used perhaps as a voice that sends out a different message other than what the world is so unashamedly declaring, are as follows:

  • Is your dance or choreography bringing glory to God or is it "in the gutter",  just like a lot of our present culture's dance performances. 
  • Is it exposing the darkness or proposing darkness?  After all, haven't we been called out of darkness into the light?  If so, why are we so at ease performing in pieces that are so blatantly dark or openly seductive?
  • Is your dance or choreography compromising to your convictions as a Christian (follower of Christ)? 
  • Is it conforming to the culture or challenging the culture (challenging in a positive way, such as inspiring, thought provoking, or causing people to think on a higher level, etc.) or is it at least enjoyable, uplifting, and positive?   (Let's face it, our culture is producing enough negative without our help.)
  • Even if the piece you are participating in is just for fun and entertainment, do you think it would make Jesus smile too?
  • Are you a light to the world or do you look just like the world?
When our choices in music, choreography and costuming conform to the culture's desensitization to darkness and seduction, it appears that we desire more the approval of the culture than the approval of God.

Darkness as black as night covers all the nations of the earth,
but the glory of the Lord rises and appears over you.
Isaiah 60:2

Is the darkness covering your dance and your choreography,
or is the glory of the Lord
rising and radiating through it?

For everything comes from Him and exists by His power and is intended for His glory.
All glory to Him forever! Amen.
Romans 11:36

*Scripture references:  1 Corinthians 10:13; Ephesians 2:8-9; Galatians 5:1; Romans 14:21; 1 Corinthians 8:13; 1 Peter 2:9; Matthew 5:14-16; Matthew 28:20; Acts 2:25; Psalm 149:3: Mark 7:5-7; Romans 12:1-2; 1 John 1:5-6; Philippians 4:8

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