If you desire to worship God through your dance - don't perform, but instead worship. If you have prepared to worship through a choreographed piece (as a group, ministry team, etc.), through sufficient rehearsal time, then, once it is time to share this piece in the presence of others, you will need to let go and worship. It is through worship that we experience God's presence and His Spirit flows through us; performance often hinders this or being concerned about how you look, your technique, etc. Just as when you are worshiping through song in a corporate worship setting in a church service, and, you have to block out the distractions of others, etc. in order to truly connect with the Lord, you will have to block out the thoughts about yourself and others as you focus solely on offering your praise and worship through your dance to God. Try practicing this on your own - it will help. In your own personal worship time with the Lord, worship through a choreographed piece you know, and/or spontaneously to better prepare you to move in this freedom when you are in the presence of others. It is what we practice in private that can then come forth boldly in the presence of others.
Using dance for ministry purposes will not occur, as long as we are holding onto the focus being on ourselves. Yes, dance is visual and in order to minister to people through it, they will observe the dance and the dancer. The difference will be if you are truly connecting in worship to the Lord in order for the presence of His Spirit to flow through you, so they too can connect with God in worship and be touched by His presence as well.
Your heart's desire as a worship dancer should be to bless the Lord and to bless others as well.
Remember: Performers are concerned about pleasing people; worshipers are concerned about pleasing God. Close out the world around and you and focus on worshiping God through your dance. Let go of the performance and worship God in spirit and in truth - freedom and the presence of God will follow!
God is seeking worshipers - not dancers - John 4:23-24
Praise Him with your dance! (Psalm 149:3)
Dance for Jesus - He is watching and He is the Only One who matters! He is truly the Lord of the dance!
Who are you dancing for?
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